Dudley &
South Staffordshire


152 Roebuck Street
West Bromwich
B70 6RD
Emailku.oc.eniveht@ofni Telephone(0121) 553 2866
Real AleFamily FriendlyGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsSeparate BarDisabled AccessSports TVWiFi
Opening times: Mon and Tue 16:00-22:00; Wed and Thu 12:00-14:00, 16:00-22:00; Fri and Sat 12:00-22:30; Sun 12:00-21:00
Regular beers: Wye Valley HPA

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

This pub has a deservedly renowned reputation for its delicious Indian food. The 'traditional' part consists of three small rooms off the corridor. Continue further in and the building opens up into a large dining area, where an extensive range of Indian meals are available together with British and vegetarian options, which are all excellent value. One real ale is usually available although two can feature when WBA are playing at home.